Membership Information
A place where you can grow vegetables, flowers and herbs for your own use.
A place to enjoy a healthy outdoor activity and environment.
A place to have friendly communication with like minded people.
Waterways Community Garden memberships are open to all residents within Waterways Victoria and surrounding suburbs.
Price: $25 per year
Plot size: 1.2m x 1.2m
Membership Guidelines
General maintenance of plots.
Gardeners are responsible for the care and maintenance of their individual plots throughout the year, and should ensure that the area in and in front of their plot is free from weeds, rubbish and anything which may be obstructing the pathways.
Rubbish, including weeds, refuse in garbage bags and non-gardening rubbish/materials must be removed promptly from the plot and garden to discourage unwanted pests.
If a member is unable to maintain a plot due to illness or other exceptional circumstances, for a period of 3 months, they must discuss their situation with the committee or surrender their plot.
The committee reserves the right to review terms of membership at any stage.
Gardeners are required to adhere to any water restrictions that are currently in place.
Hoses must be used with trigger nozzles supplied by the group.
Taps must be firmly turned off after watering. Hoses must be left stretched, free of kinks and parallel with plots, away from the centre of the path to avoid tripping. Or rolled up on posts provided.
Padlocks are never to be removed from the gate.
The gate must be locked behind you upon entry or exit.
Press or move all members to cancel code after use.
Tool shed
The shed must be locked after tools are put away.
All tools belonging to the group must be returned to the shed, clean and free of dirt after use.
Tools must be kept at the garden club at all times.
Dogs and other pets are not allowed in the garden area.
This is primarily a food growing area and animals can be a health risk.
Building and other materials
Permanent structures, cages and roofs, must not be built on garden plots.
Please be aware of safety issues when erecting plant supports.
Each resident may purchase one plot.
Sub-letting of plots is not permitted and is in breach of membership rules.
Types of plants
Vegetables, small fruits, herbs and flowers.
Trees and large permanent shrubs are not suitable for garden plots because they can block light to other blocks.
Seek advice from committee if unsure.
Use of Chemicals
Members are strongly discouraged from using chemicals or sprays to control pests.
Community gardens usually use alternative or organic methods.
Chemicals can contaminate a neighbour’s plot and could be a serious health risk.
General Conduct
Please be considerate of other gardeners and respect their plots and ways of gardening.
Children are welcome in the Community garden and are to be supervised by adults.
Members and visitors must not remove any plants or equipment from another gardener’s plot without permission.
Likewise, club plants and equipment must not be removed from the Community garden.
Grass Path Maintenance
Mowing and weed trimmer roster is prepared by the committee and will be posted in the shed. It will be up to members to arrange alternative roster if they are unavailable for their roster.
Membership Fees
Annual fees are due on or no later than 4 weeks from the AGM.
The committee reserves the right to suspend or terminate any member not financial by the due date.
Members who relinquish their plots must clear it of all vegetation, tools and rubbish before they leave.
Legitimate complaints should be submitted in the form of a written letter.